Lazer Lamps Glide vs Glide Elite

Lazer Lamps Glide vs Glide Elite

We know that one of the first question we’re going to get from customers looking to buy the new Glide from Lazer is “should I go for the Elite or not?”


Once the specs for the new Glide range were released and we had a look we were surprised by the difference between the Glide and the Glide Elite, or should we say the lack of difference.


With the Linear range typically the Elite modes had double the light output, however, the Glide had only 1300 lumens, around 11% increase.


There was only one thing to do. We strapped one of each to the front of our trusty Navara and went for a drive.


The main difference we noticed between the two was colour. The Elite is slightly warmer. The beam is also a bit hotter in the middle giving the Elite a little more distance.


Back to the question in hand, should you go Elite instead of the standard?

In our opinion the majority of our customers will be happy with the Glide, especially given its price. At £336 it’s Lazers best value light & it has a 5 year warranty. We feel the Glide Elite doesn’t offer enough of an improved driving experience to justify the additional cost.



The Glide is set to be a popular light given its performance and price while being back by Lazers 5 year warranty.


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